Welcome to a place where in years gone by visitors were welcomed by the unique smell of roasted goose liver and roasted “fertáľ”, goose quarters. During the autumn period this region offered this amazing goose meal with a fresh “burčiak” – young wine grown in one of the many vineyards in the district.
From a historical point of view, Tekov is mainly perceived as an old Hungarian county, which grew and spread outwards from the village of Čata, through Zlaté Moravce to Kremnica in the north of the county.
As a tourist destination the Tekov Region includes the territory of the northern part of the downstream section of the Hron river, the Čilejkár area in the north, continuing with the historic mining villages in the northeast and the area of the western part of the former Hont county. These villages are located on the western side of the Štiavnické vrchy (hills) and partly on the Krupinská planina (plain).